Therapies Department

We have a team of specialist Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists to assist with physical, functional and psychosocial issues that can appear as a result of cancer or cancer treatment.

Our team of specialist staff provide assessment, treatment, advice, equipment and onward referral for a wide variety of patients and conditions.

Our service is mainly for inpatients, however, as a regional service, we work with local services throughout the West of Scotland to ensure that on-going Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy needs can take place close to your home, before, during and after treatment.

The Therapy department is based on level 2 of the BWoSCC, but we can be found on all inpatient wards throughout the working week.

Occupational Therapy

The occupational therapy service is available to inpatients Monday to Friday 8.30 am - 4.30 pm and can be accessed by discussing with a member of the Multidisciplinary Team.

An occupational therapy led outpatient clinic is held weekly on Fridays based within the Tom Wheldon Building. This focusses on treating the impact of symptoms such as cancer-related fatigue and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Please speak to your nurse specialist or consultant if you feel you would benefit from this service.

There is also a dedicated Occupational Therapist within the Allogenic Stem Cell Transplant Team.

How we can help 

  • Complete a holistic assessment, set goals and create a tailored treatment plan 
  • Rehabilitate using adapted routines and techniques to maximise engagement in everyday activity
  • Provide equipment required to promote quality of life, independence or for conserving energy
  • Assist in psychological adjustment to sudden loss of function
  • Liaise with families/carers to understand social circumstances and if required complete environmental or home assessment visits
  • Support, education and signposting on aspects of lifestyle
  • Liaise with community services to maximise support on discharge
  • Work closely and assist in decision making regarding complex discharge plans with the rest of the multidisciplinary (mdt) team.

If you are an outpatient and feel you need occupational therapy you can request this via your GP or contact your local social work department to self-refer for Community Occupational Therapy. Or, you can speak to your Consultant or Clinical Nurse Specialist who can contact the BWoSCC Occupational Therapy service to discuss a referral for you. 

If you would like to contact the occupational therapy team please phone 0141 301 7004 


Information on fatigue management:

Information on managing breathlessness:


Cancer and the effects of cancer treatment can have a significant impact on your strength, energy levels, mobility, ability to complete day-to-day tasks, and your ability to work or take part in exercise or leisure activities. Physiotherapy can help maintain or improve some or all of the above.

Inpatients can be referred to the physiotherapy team for assessment. Physiotherapy may include:

  • Mobility and balance practice
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Breathing techniques
  • Advice and education regarding braces, collars or walking aids
  • Advice and goal setting regarding physical activity and specific exercise
  • Advice regarding returning to employment/ study
  • Discharge planning to ensure you are ready to return home.

Whether you are receiving your treatment as an inpatient or outpatient, remaining physically active at an appropriate level will bring numerous benefits. If you would like specific advice regarding your particular circumstances, please speak to one of the physiotherapy team or your named nurse specialist.

If you would like to contact the physiotherapy department please phone 0141 301 7003.


For information on the benefits of physical activity and cancer

Advice for teenagers and young adults



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